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Rhubarb is a unique vegetable known for its tart flavor and bright pink stalks. Though often used in desserts, it can also be incorporated into savory dishes.

Here are some key points about rhubarb and its benefits:

  1. Nutritional Content: Rhubarb is low in calories and fat, yet high in fiber, vitamin K, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, and manganese.
  2. Digestive Health: Its high fiber content promotes healthy digestion by preventing constipation and supporting regular bowel movements.
  3. Antioxidant Properties: Rhubarb contains antioxidants like anthocyanins and polyphenols, which help combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
  4. Heart Health: Potassium in rhubarb helps regulate blood pressure and maintain heart health. Its fiber content also contributes to lowering cholesterol levels.
  5. Bone Health: Rich in vitamin K, rhubarb supports bone health by aiding in calcium absorption and reducing the risk of osteoporosis.
  6. Weight Management: Low in calories and high in fiber, rhubarb can help promote satiety and assist in weight management goals.
  7. Blood Sugar Control: Despite its tart taste, rhubarb is low in sugar and can be a suitable option for those managing diabetes. Its fiber content also helps regulate blood sugar levels.
  8. Anti-inflammatory Effects: Some compounds in rhubarb exhibit anti-inflammatory properties, potentially benefiting conditions like arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.
  9. Cancer Prevention: Research suggests that certain antioxidants in rhubarb may have protective effects against cancer by neutralizing free radicals and inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.
  10. Skin Health: Vitamin C in rhubarb promotes collagen production, contributing to healthy skin and wound healing.

While rhubarb offers numerous health benefits, it’s important to note that the leaves contain oxalic acid, which can be toxic in large quantities. Therefore, only the stalks should be consumed, and moderation is key.

I would like to share a very simple recipe on making delicious juice from Rhubarb.


1 Stalk of Rhubarb
1 L Water
3 T Sugar


  1. Wash the Rhubarb stalk and cut approx. 1 cm long.
  2. Place into a blender with 500 ml water and blend for 30 seconds until the stalk is crushed.
  3. Strain the mixture into a jug.
  4. Add the remaining 500 ml of water.
  5. Finally, add the 3 tablespoons of sugar to the juice and stir until the sugar has dissolved.
  6. If you like, you can add ice to the juice. Share and enjoy!


  • I don’t peel the Rhubarb, the reddish color will give a pinky color to your juice and it makes appealing to the children to drink.
  • You can store the juice for 3 days in the fridge.
  • For Zero Waste, you can make a Rhubarb sauce from the strained juice.
  • For Rhubarb Cake recipe click here.

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